bozoKaido @ 02:05
Crow, Kurniainen, The Bleak Lands, 0.1
Thephasdin (Final blow)
After an earlier altercation with Veto I thought I needed to get back in to the win column. After an emergency resupply by my alt I decide to take a roam to a lowsec hotspot. I check the Dotlan website and choose Kamela 21 jumps from my current location. Overtime I've built up a huge library of bookmarks which are scan spots. These spots are fairly close to a planet that has a lot of belts clustered around it. My criteria for making these BM's is fairly loose, if I jump into a system that has targets in local and a decent number of belts I'll make a BM. So I jump into Kurniainen, local shows about six potential targets and I have one scan spot already in my BM folder.
My initial scan showed two potential targets, a puni and a ranis. I didn't care if they were together I figured in a fight I'd get at least one of them. One of the problems when hunting other hunters is they don't stay still. In this case my targets kept moving. So I switch tactics and start running the belts myself. I start with the first belt in the XII cluster and find nothing but rats, although one was a BS. In the previous belts I'd visited there were wrecks so I figure maybe my targets were ratting. I also thought that at some point they would find that BS rat which would be hard to pass up. So I warp to planet XII and drop a scan spot BM about 400k from the planet. Well as it turns out I didn't have to wait long. I wanted to move back to me scan spot and focus my attention on the belt with the BS rat, but as I start to align I see a Crow dropping out of warp. I got lucky and halted the ship just in time and of course the Crow very conveniently ended up well within my scram range.
So I beat to quarters and clear for action. Guns on overheat, web, scram and neut, target is locked and well within range of all the mods that mattered. He quickly takes my shields while I very slowly start to eat away at his shields. Now he's eating away at my armor, his shields are just about gone. In warps the puni to add his weight to the fight. Crow has no shields and all of a sudden I start to take his armor, at this point I'm into structure due to the extra dps coming from the puni. Crow's armor is gone and in a sec his hull is to, so I turn my attention to the puni. For a split second I thought I might have a chance if I could neut his guns dry but it was not to be. I'm not sure if he was cap injected, his guns continued to shoot. The only thing that could have saved me was range. In any event I died an honorable death. Although I didn't like the outcome it was a gf. The only thing I could have done better is deal with the puni a lot sooner than I did, maybe extend my range just in case he was fit for close combat.
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