Rifter, Kourmonen, The Bleak Lands, 0.4
Damage Taken: 2,307
Moved from Atlar to Amamke the previous night, ended up docking in Auga. The following day I decided to take a trip to OMS, jumped through to Kournomen where I see a Claw piloted by Garr Anders (Thukker U). He's not flashy red, but I am, so I proceed to lock him up hoping he will engage. Once again being flashy red in a t1 frig is enough to talk most pilots into taking a shot.
The initial fight wasn't going well, I overheated my guns but he was to far away, we were both out of range. So I make a run for the gate thinking he may pursue which he did. I know that a fast ship is hard to control my hope was that he would wander into scram range which he did. Now the fight was on. I cycled everything scram, neut, web and overheated my guns. At this point I had him, that is until his gang showed up. I can only assume it was his gang, but I could be mistaken. 11 ships started to pound on my Rifter and of course I knew how this was going to end, all I wanted was that Claw for my Rifter. Not sure if it would have been a fair trade. I'd rather fly a Rifter on any given day and twice on Sunday. But a t1 ship for a t2 one would be a win in anyone's book. No surprise I popped and left him in 15% structure. I wonder how much longer it would have taken to kill him, maybe if I had two or three less ships pounding on me things would have been different.
Can't really comment on the tactics. I started out behind in the dps race but I quickly caught up and surpassed him getting him into structure even as his gang pounded on me. From my perspective things worked out up until the point when his gang showed up. Yes it's risky to engage ships on a gate but that's the life I live. I'm a solo pilot I fight whenever and wherever I find a willing partner.
I was flying a 400mm RTP with 3 x small trimarks and I took a hell of a pounding. I think its a good fit. Need to improve on my dps as well as my ship "integrity". Trinity is still young but still competitive, it's all about choosing the right fights.
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